• September 22nd 2024- “Challenging our Focus”

    Dear Friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    CHOIR IS BACK!  Choir practice takes place every Wednesday in the CEC (Christian Education Centre) across the street from the church at 7:30 p.m.  All choir members are asked to mark their agendas.  Anyone who has ever wanted to sing in the choir is welcome!  For more information, please speak with Henry our Director of Music, either before the service or during coffee hour, or just show-up on Wednesday.  All are welcome!

    OUR GOSPEL READING continues in Mark 9: 30-37, “Jesus Again Foretells Death, Resurrection” and “Who Is the Greatest?”  These readings recounts Jesus’ journey with his disciples through Galilee.  He teaches them about his upcoming suffering, death, and resurrection, though they don’t fully understand.  Later, the disciples argue about who among them is the greatest.  Jesus, aware of their debate, teaches them that true greatness comes from humility and serving others.  

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 490: “God of Grace and God of glory”
    Prayer of Adoration and Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 434: “For the beauty of the earth” (vs 3&4 en français)
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 54
    Gloria Patri
    James 3: 13 – 4: 3; 7, 8 (en français – English on the screen)
    Mark 9: 30-37
    Sermon: “Challenging our focus”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 356: “You Lord are both lamb and shepherd”
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 332: “How Great Thou art” (vs 3 en français)

  • September 15th 2024 -“Putting our dreams to death”

    Dear Friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    SUNDAY SCHOOL is back!  To celebrate, join us for ice cream sundaes with sprinkles after service during coffee hour.  We are also seeking volunteers to help in the nursery with the little ones.  If you are interested in helping with his ministry, please speak to Beth Chittim or Jonathan Martin.  Thank you!

    CHOIR is also backChoir practices will be starting this Wednesday, in the sanctuary, at 7:30.  All choir members are asked to mark their agendas.  Anyone who has ever wanted to sing in the choir is also welcome.  For more information please speak with Henry, our Director of Music, either before the service or during coffee hour, or just show-up on Wednesday, please use the side door for entry to the church.  All are welcome!

    OUR GOSPEL READING is taken from Mark 8: 27-38, “Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ” and “Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection.”  Jesus asks his disciples who people say he is, and they respond with various answers like John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the prophets.  Then Jesus asks, “But who do you say I am?” and Peter responds, “You are the Messiah.”  But Jesus instructs them not to tell anyone about him.  John Calvin writes about Peters confession, “The confession is short, but it embraces all that is contained in our salvation, for the designation “Christ,” or “Anointed,” includes both an everlasting kingdom and an everlasting priesthood, to reconcile us to God; and, by expiating (taking away) our sins through his sacrifice, to obtain for us a perfect righteousness; and, having received us under his protection, to uphold and supply and enrich us with every description of blessings.”

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 461: “Be Thou my Vision” (vs 2&4 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn: “Tell Out my soul”
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 19
    Gloria Patri
    James 3: 1-12 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    Mark 8: 27-38
    Sermon: “Putting our Dreams to Death”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 211: “Take up your cross, the Saviour said”
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 634: “Will you come and follow me”
    Go now in peace

  • September 8th 2024 -“Jesus heals a deaf man”

    Dear friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    WHILE WE CONTINUED our summer worship services this year throughout August, we are now transitioning back to our regular format with livestreaming of worship services on YouTube and the use of the screen in the sanctuary.  We would like to extend much gratitude and thanks to the volunteers who helped open and close the sanctuary, and those who assisted with setup and cleanup during Lemonade and Fellowship Hour.  Whether you had time to rest and recharge or continued with work, we pray that everyone found moments to connect with loved ones and grow in Christ – who is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14: 6).

    SUNDAY SCHOOL has also returned!  Beginning this week, we invite children to gather for a new season of learning, fellowship, and spiritual growth.

    OUR GOSPEL READING is taken from Mark 7: 24-37.  Jesus travels to the region of Tyre, where a Gentile woman approaches him, begging for her daughter to be freed from an unclean spirit.  Initially, Jesus responds by stating that his mission is for the children of Israel, but the woman humbly persists, and her faith leads Jesus to heal her daughter.  Later, in the Decapolis region, people bring a deaf and mute man to Jesus.  He heals the man by touching his ears and tongue, restoring his hearing and speech.  Both events highlight Jesus’ compassion and power, extending beyond Israel to the Gentiles.

    COFFEE HOUR IS BACK!  Everyone is invitedto join us downstairs after the service on Sunday to enjoy coffee, cookies and conversation.  We thank Jonathan Martin for hosting coffee hour this week.  There is a sign-up sheet for hosting coffee hour at the entrance to the kitchen.  Please consider hosting for a Sunday if you are able.  Everything you need to host is supplied, although homemade treats are always welcome! 

    Order of Service

    Responsive Call to Worship
    Hymn 321: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” (vs 2&4 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 642: “O Master let me walk with thee”
    Responsive Psalm 146; Put not your trust in princes
    Gloria Patri
    New Testament: James 2: 1-17 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    The Gospel of Mark 7: 24-37
    Sermon: “Are you needy? What do you need?”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn: “She came to Jesus” (sung to tune 461)
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn: “O Lord, may all we say and do” (sung to tune 822)
    Go now in peace

  • July 28th 2024 -” What do you do with the leftovers?”

    Dear friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    SUMMER SERVICES IN AUGUST at St. Andrew’s will continue – but in person only.  The theme for August is simplicity.  What does a simple service look like?  It looks a lot like our pre-COVID services!  There won’t be any livestreaming on YouTube or a projector screen in the sanctuary.  Instead, we’ll sing from the hymnbooks, just like we used to and we can follow along with the scripture readings using the pew bibles.  Sunday School will be taking a break, and coffee hour will be replaced with refreshing lemonade – perfect for those hot summer days.  Let’s embrace simplicity, relax and enjoy the summer season!  We still need some people to sign-up for serving the lemonade so please consider taking a turn in August, if you are able.  Our weekly email will also be halted during August to begin again in time for the September 8 Sunday service.

    PLEASE NOTE there is still ongoing construction on Green Street keeping Green from Oak to Notre Dame closed, Birch is now a two-way street accessible from Desaulniers.

    OUR GOSPEL READING is taken from John 6: 1-21, “Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand” and “Jesus Walks on Water.”  This week, we revisit the story of Jesus feeding the crowd of five thousand, this time from the Apostle John’s perspective.  Last week, Wilson Eyong highlighted God as our Good Shepherd, who protects, leads and provides for his sheep.  We worship the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 3:15), our Redeemer.  Just as God miraculously provided manna from heaven for the Israelites on their exodus journey to the promised land, he provided abundantly for the five thousand.  He is our Good Shepherd indeed, and in him our soul finds rest and security (Psalm 62: 5-12).  This week’s sermon is, “What do you do with leftovers?”

    Order of Service

    Responsive Call to Worship
    Hymn 479: “The church’s one foundation” (vs 2&4 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 637: “Take my life and let it be” (vs 2&5 en français)
    Responsive Reading Psalm 14
    2 Samuel 11: 1-15 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    New Testament Lesson: John 6: 1-21
    Gloria Patri
    The Gospel: Mark 6: 14-29
    Sermon: “What do you do with the leftovers?”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 507: “Break now the bread of life” (vs 3&4 en français)
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn: “Where is bread?”
    Go now in peace

  • July 21st 2024 – “Hear! Touch!”

    Dear friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY Wilson Eyong will be leading us in worship.  

    SUMMER SERVICES IN AUGUST at St. Andrew’s will continue.  The theme for August is simplicity.  What does a simple service look like?  It looks a lot like our pre-COVID services!  There won’t be any livestreaming on YouTube or a projector screen.  Instead, we’ll sing from the hymnbooks, just like we used to and we can follow along with the scripture readings using the pew bibles.  Sunday School will be taking a break, and coffee hour will be replaced with refreshing lemonade – perfect for those hot summer days.  Let’s embrace simplicity, relax and enjoy the summer season!  We still need some people to sign-up for serving the lemonade so please consider taking a turn in August, if you are able.

    PLEASE NOTE there is ongoing construction on Green Street keeping Green from Oak to Notre Dame closed, Birch is now a two-way street accessible from Desaulniers.

    OUR GOSPEL READING is taken from Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56, “Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand” and “Jesus Heals the Sick in Gennesaret”.  The first of these miracles describes Jesus welcoming back his apostles after they had been sent out to preach and heal.  Seeing they were tired, he invited them to a quiet place to rest.  However, a large crowd followed them, and Jesus, moved by compassion, began teaching them many things, likening them to sheep without a shepherd.  Matthew Henry, a 17th century Presbyterian minister and author writes about the leftover bread and fish, “The provision Christ makes for those who are his is not bare and scanty, but rich and plentiful; an overflowing fullness”.  

    Order of Service

    Responsive Call to Worship
    Hymn 258: “Thine be the glory” (vs 2 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time: “The role of the shepherd”
    Hymn 11: “The Lord’s my shepherd” (vs 2&4 en français)
    Responsive Psalm 150; Praise for God’s Surpassing Greatness
    Gloria Patri
    Old Testament: Jeremiah 23: 1-6 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    New Testament: Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56
    Sermon: “Hear! Touch!”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 570: “I have decided to follow Jesus”
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 350: “To God be the glory” (vs 2 en français)
    Go now in peace

  • July 14th 2024 -“It’s all about who is the true King”

    Dear friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    SUMMER SERVICES IN AUGUST at St. Andrew’s will continue.  The theme for August is simplicity.  What does a simple service look like?  It looks a lot like our pre-COVID services!  There won’t be any livestreaming on YouTube or a projector screen.  Instead, we’ll sing from the hymnbooks, just like we used to and we can follow along with the scripture readings using the pew bibles.  Sunday School will be taking a break, and coffee hour will be replaced with refreshing lemonade – perfect for those hot summer days.  Let’s embrace simplicity, relax and enjoy the summer season!  We still need some people to sign-up for serving the lemonade so please consider taking a turn in August, if you are able.

    PLEASE NOTE there is ongoing construction on Green Street keeping Green from Oak to Notre Dame closed, Birch is now a two-way street accessible from Desaulniers.

    OUR NEW TESTAMENT LESSON is Ephesians 1: 3-14, “Spiritual Blessings in Christ”.  The Apostle Paul praises God for the spiritual blessings bestowed upon believers through Christ.  He explains that God chose us before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.  Through Christ’s sacrificial love, we are redeemed and forgiven.  John Calvin, the 16th century Reformer adds, “The full certainty of future happiness rests on the revelation of God’s love to us in Christ, which God makes in the gospel.”

    Order of Service

    Responsive Call to Worship
    Hymn 438: “When morning guilds the skys” (vs 2&4 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration and Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 648: “I’m gonna live so God can use me”
    2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 12b-19 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    New Testament Lesson: Ephesians 1: 3-14
    Sung Psalm 24 Hymn 13
    Gloria Patri
    The Gospel: Mark 6: 14-29
    Sermon: “It’s all about who is the true king?”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 704: “Teach me God to wonder” (vs 3 en français)
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 746: “What a friend we have in Jesus” (vs 2 en français)
    Go now in peace

  • July 7th 2024 -“Traveling Light”

    Dear friends,

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    SUMMER SERVICES IN AUGUST at St. Andrew’s will continue.  The theme for August is simplicity.  What does a simple service look like?  It looks a lot like our pre-COVID services!  There won’t be any livestreaming on YouTube or a projector screen.  Instead, we’ll sing from the hymnbooks, just like we used to, and we can follow along with the scripture readings using the pew bibles.  Sunday School will be taking a break, and coffee hour will be replaced with refreshing lemonade – perfect for those hot summer days.  Let’s embrace simplicity, relax and enjoy the summer season!

    PLEASE NOTE there is ongoing construction on Green Street keeping Green from Oak to Notre Dame closed, Birch is now a two-way street accessible from Desaulniers. 

    OUR GOSPEL LESSON is Mark 6: 1-13, “Jesus Rejected at Nazareth” and “Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles”.  Our readings this Sunday include two significant events in the life of our Lord.  The first is Jesus returning to Nazareth, where the locals doubt his authority because they know him only as a carpenter, and due to their lack of faith, he performs few miracles there.  Jesus then sends out the twelve apostles in pairs, instructing them to travel light and rely on the hospitality of others, trusting in God’s providence as they go.  They go out preaching repentance, casting out demons, and healing the sick.  The sermon title this week is, “Travelling light”. 

    Order of Service

    Responsive Call to Worship
    Hymn 483: “Glorious things of thee are spoken”
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 485: “Saviour Like a Shepherd lead us”
    Psalm 123
    Gloria Patri
    Old Testament Lesson: Ezekiel 2: 1-5 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    New Testament Lesson: 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10
    The Gospel – Mark 6: 1-13
    Sermon: “Travelling light”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 486: “The Church of Christ in every age”
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 670: “Amazing Grace” (vs 3&4 en français)
    Go now in peace

  • June 30th 2024 – ” A story within a story”

    Dear friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    SUMMER SERVICES IN AUGUST at St. Andrew’s will continue, led by Rev. Linda Faith Chalk.  The theme for August is simplicity.  What does a simple service look like?  It looks a lot like our pre-COVID services!  There won’t be any livestreaming on YouTube or a projector screen.  Instead, we’ll sing from the hymnbooks, just like we used to.  Rev. Linda Faith will guide us throughout the service in worship and prayer.  Sunday School will also be taking a break, and coffee hour will be replaced with refreshing lemonade – perfect for those hot summer days.  Let’s embrace simplicity, relax and enjoy the summer season!

    PLEASE NOTE there is ongoing construction on Green Street keeping Green from Oak to Notre Dame closed, Birch is now a two-way street accessible from Desaulniers. 

    OUR NEW TESTAMENT LESSON continues in Mark 5: 21-43, “Jesus Heals a Woman and Jairus’ Daughter”.  In our Scripture reading this week, Jesus performs two miracles.  One involves raising a little girl from the dead.  Jairus, a synagogue leader, seeks Jesus’ help for his dying daughter, and despite hearing that she has passed away, Jesus urges Jairus to have faith.  Upon arriving at Jairus’s home, Jesus reassures the mourners that the girl is asleep, not dead.  Taking her hand, he says, ‘Little girl, get up!’  Instantly, she rises and walks, leaving everyone amazed.  Such is the power of God!  The sermon title this week is, “A story within a story”. 

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 815: “New every morning is the love”
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 324: “Great is thy faithfulness” (vs 2 en français)
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 130
    Gloria Patri
    Lamentations 3: 22-23 (en français – English on the screen)
    2 Corinthians 8: 7-15
    Mark 5: 21-43
    Sermon: “A story within a story”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 579: “Oh I know the Lord’s laid a hand on me”
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 474: “The love of God comes close”
    Go now in peace

  • Announcement:

    THE SEARCH CONTINUES:  As you may have heard in last week’s announcements during the service, our Interim Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries, regretfully informed us that Rev. Eugênio Anunciação has declined “the call” to become the next pastor at St. Andrew’s, despite its approval by the Presbytery of Montreal on Tuesday, June 18.  The search committee worked diligently over the past months, and the session made significant efforts, to find a new pastor.  Here is a link to the announcement by Roland https://youtu.be/J700DG35StM?si=HwOtzTwmyL55YY2p.  Although the search committee will take a break over the summer, they will resume the search for a new pastor in the fall.  Despite this setback, our congregation remains strong and faithful.  God is with us.

  • June 23rd 2024 -“Which Calling is Yours?”

    Dear friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    THANK YOU for making last week’s Annual Church Barbecue such a success!  Your delicious salads and desserts added a special touch to the event.  We also appreciate everyone who helped with setup, grilling, and clean-up.  We also said our last farewells, and prayed over the Shin family as they travel back to Korea.  We will miss them dearly.

    PLEASE NOTE there is ongoing construction on Green Street keeping Green from Oak to Mercille closed, Birch is now a two-way street accessible from Desaulniers. 

    OUR NEW TESTAMENT LESSON is Mark 4: 35-41, “Jesus Calms a Storm”.  Jesus and his disciples are caught in a fierce storm while crossing the Sea of Galilee.  As the disciples panic, Jesus, who is asleep, is awakened and calms the storm with his command, “Quiet!  Be still!”  The wind and waves obey him, and the storm ceases.  Martin Luther, the 16th century Reformer adds:  “The sea and wind rage, and the waves dash over us and threaten to sink us, but let them rage; it is ordained that the wind and sea obey his will.  The persecutions will not continue longer than is his pleasure, and, although they overwhelm us, yet they must be subject to him.  He is Lord over all; therefore, nothing will harm us.”  The sermon title for this week is, “Which calling is yours?” 

    EVERYONE IS INVITED to join us downstairs after the service on Sunday to enjoy coffee, cookies and conversation.  We thank Jonathan Martin for hosting coffee hour this week. 

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn “Holy God we praise your name”; Tune 776 (vs 3 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 420 “Je louerai l’eternal” (vs 2 en français)
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 90: 9-20
    Gloria Patri
    1 Samuel 17: 32-49 (en français, English on the screen)
    2 Corinthians 6: 1-13
    Mark 4: 35-41
    Sermon: “Which calling is yours?”
    Confession of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 304: “We praise you, Creator” (vs 3 en français)
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn: “In Christ alone” (vs 2&3 en français)
    Go now in peace