
Welcome to St. Andrew’s church in Saint Lambert, Quebec.

After the service, please join us for our fellowship hour in the church hall for coffee/tea, cookies and conversation.

OUR CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE will be led by our Interim Moderator Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries on Tuesday, December 24 at 7:30 PM.  Everyone is invited downstairs to join in fellowship after the service to enjoy some mulled apple cider and home baked treats as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

Search for full-time Minister

We are looking for a new Minister. Click here for more information

Services at St. Andrew’s are simultaneously streamed online –  a link to the YouTube livestream is embedded below. Just click on the arrow.

You can find a list of previously live recorded worship services on our Youtube Channel (https://youtube.com/@standrews-stlambert/streams)

Foodbank / Banque Alimentaire Information

The ECS Foodbank continues to operate throughout the year. Please leave a message at (450) 766-2227 or visit https://scosaintlambertecs.ca/ if you require a food delivery.