• December 1st 2024 -“Ain’t gonna study war”

    Dear friends,

    THIS SUNDAY, which is the First Sunday in Advent, our Interim Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries will once again be leading us in worship.  We will also share together in the Lord’s Supper.

    OUR SCRIPTURE LESSON this week is from the book of Isaiah.  With some help from a very old choir in the United States, and an even older piece of music sung by that choir, we will explore the text of Isaiah 2:1-5. The questions of hope and peace are as pressing as ever in our world, and the question for us is how we respond to what we see around us.  How do we respond to this text from the prophet:

    He will judge between the nations
        and will settle disputes for many peoples.
    They will beat their swords into plowshares
        and their spears into pruning hooks.
    Nation will not take up sword against nation,
        nor will they train for war anymore.

    Order of Service

    Lighting of the Advent candle & Hymn #119: Hope is a star (vs 1)
    Call to Worship
    Hymn 122: “Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel” (vs 2 & 3 en français)
    Prayers of Adoration & Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    Anthem: “God is here”
    Children’s time
    Hymn 293: “Come, thou almighty King”
    Responsive reading: Psalm 25: 1-10
    Gloria Patri #594
    Luke 21:25-36 (en français – English on the screen)
    Isaiah 2:1-5
    Sermon: “Ain’t gonna study war”
    Offering and Offertory
    Invitation to the table
    Hymn 542: “Let all mortal flesh keep silence”
    The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving #564
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Sacrament of Communion
    Prayer after Communion
    Hymn 474: “The love of God comes close”
    Go now in peace

  • November 24th 2024 -“What is truth?”

    Dear friends,

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    OUR NEW TESTAMENT READING is taken from the gospel according to John 18: 33-38, “My Kingdom is Not of This World”.  This Sunday we will be reflecting on Jesus as he is tried before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea.  When Pilate asks if he is the King of the Jews, Jesus speaks of a kingdom not of this world and reveals his mission to testify to the truth.  Pilate poses his famous question, “What is truth?” – the focus of our sermon this week, titled “What is truth?”

    BAKE SALE FAVOURITES are still available, but supplies are limited!  We have frozen apple pies, cakes, Irish Brack, homemade cookies, soups, sausage rolls, and more.  All proceeds will go towards our Operating Fund.  Stop by downstairs after the service to pick up these delicious treats!

    Order Of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 275: Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 356: Lord you are both lamb and shepherd
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 93
    Gloria Patri
    Revelation 1: 4-8 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    John 18: 33-38
    Sermon: “What is truth?”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 379: From heaven you came helpless babe
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 274: Crown him with many crowns (vs 3 et 4 en français)
    Go now in peace

  • November 17th 2024 -“Setting the temple aside!”

    Dear friends,

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    OUR NEW TESTAMENT READING continues in the gospel according to Mark 13: 1-8, “Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple” and “Signs of the End of the Age”.  We often reflect on the prophecy Christ gave about the terrible destruction of the temple, which was fulfilled in 70 A.D. by Titus, the Roman general (later emperor).  It was unimaginable that the Jewish place of worship – such a grand structure built with massive white stones and adorned with marble and gold – would come crashing down, marking the end of an age.  Yet Jesus says these are only “the beginning of birth pains”, inviting us to strengthen our faith and put our trust in God’s eternal, sovereign plan, not in the temporary things of this world.  Our Lord reminds us, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” – Matthew 5: 17.  Who are we putting our trust in?  May we with the Psalmist say confidently together, “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” – Psalm 121: 2.

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 776: Holy God we praise your name (vs 3 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 787: The kingdom of God is justice and joy
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 16
    Gloria Patri
    Hebrews 10: 11-14, 19-25 (en français BPC – English on the screen)
    Mark 13: 1-8
    Sermon: “Setting the temple aside!”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 773: Jesus bids us shine
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 376: Lord, the light of your love is shining
    Go now in peace

  • November 10th 2024 -“Do you live a balanced life?”

    Dear friends,

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    THIS SUNDAY HOLDS A SPECIAL PLACE IN OUR HEARTS as we come together to observe Remembrance Sunday.  On this solemn occasion, we remember and honour the brave women and men who sacrificed so much for our freedom.  Join us in a spirit of reverence and gratitude as we pay our respects and offer prayers for peace.  

    As is our custom on remembrance Sunday, prior to the service of worship, the Honour Role of men and women who went forward from the congregation of St. Andrew’s during the Second World War will be read out.  This will be followed by the playing of the Last Post, a period of silence, and then the Rouse.

    OUR NEW TESTAMENT READING is Mark 12: 38-44, “Beware of the Scribes”, and “The Widow’s Offering”.  In the latter portion of our reading, Jesus observes people giving offerings at the temple and highlights the actions of a poor widow who, despite her poverty, contributes two small coins.  He points out to his disciples that her offering is more valuable than the larger amounts given by others because she gave all she had to live on, while the others gave from their abundance.  In his commentary on the book of Mark, Dr. R. C. Sproul writes, “God is not so much concerned with what we give as how we give”.  The Apostle Paul reminds us, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9: 7).

    THE BOARD OF MANAGERS would like to thank all the volunteers who generously gave their time, effort, and baking skills to make the Fall Luncheon, Bake Sale and Nearly New Table a resounding success.  Your contributions are truly appreciated, and we couldn’t have done it without your invaluable support and commitment.  

    BAKE SALE FAVOURITES are still available downstairs – perfect for sharing or saving for later!  We have frozen apple pies, cakes, Irish Brack, homemade cookies, soups, sausage rolls, and more.  All proceeds will go towards our Operating Fund.  Stop by downstairs after the service to pick up these delicious treats!

    Order of Service

    Reading of the Honour Roll.
    “The Last Post”
    Minute of Silence
    “The Rouse”
    “O Canada”
    Video: “In Flanders Fields”
    Call to Worship
    Hymn 330: “O God our help in ages past” (vs 2&6 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Choir Anthem: “I Vow to Thee my country”
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 736: “For the healing of the nations”
    Responsive reading: Psalm 146
    Gloria Patri
    Hebrews 9: 24-28 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    Gospel Lesson Mark 12: 38-44
    Sermon: “Do you live a balanced life?”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 325: “Eternal Father, strong to save”
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 727: “Let there be light”
    Go now in peace

  • Sunday November 3rd 2024 -“Celebrating God’s promises”

    Dear friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    DON’T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK one hour when you go to bed tonight!  Daylight saving time is coming to an end, which means we’ll all be enjoying one hour of extra sleep.

    Hello darkness my old friend…

    OUR OLD TESTAMENT READING is Isaiah 25: 1-6, “God Will Swallow Up Death Forever”.  This passage is a song of praise in which Isaiah honours God for his covenant faithfulness and power.  He celebrates God’s fulfillment of promises and praises him for bringing justice by humbling powerful, oppressive cities, leading even distant nations to respect him.  The Apostle Paul reminds us in his letter to the Corinthians; “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him.  That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory” (2 Corinthians 1: 20).  Albert Barnes comments on verse 6, “And in this mountain – In mount Zion, that is, in Jerusalem.  The following verses undoubtedly refer to the times of the Messiah.  Several of the expressions used here are quoted in the New Testament, showing that the reference is to the Messiah, and to the fact that his kingdom would commence in Jerusalem, and then extend to all people”.  The sermon this week is “Celebrating God’s Promises”.  Let us celebrate together this Sunday! 

    EVERYONE IS INVITED to join us downstairs after the service on Sunday to enjoy coffee, cookies and conversation.  We thank Jonathan for hosting coffee hour this week.

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 299: Holy, holy, holy (vs 2&4 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 769: Lord of light
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 24
    Gloria Patri
    Isaiah 25: 6-9 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    Revelation 21: 1-6
    John 11: 32-44
    Sermon: “Celebrating God’s promises”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 611: For all the saints (vs 2&5 en français)
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 606: Ye holy angels bright
    Go now in peace

  • October 27th 2024 -“It was a day like any other day!”

    Dear friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

    WE WILL BE HOLDING OUR FALL LUNCHEON, BAKE SALE AND NEARLY NEW TABLE next week, on Saturday, November 2, 2024.  You are all encouraged to participate in this congregational fundraiser.  Please get your apron on and start baking up a storm for this community event.  Cake, cookies, bread, lemon loaves, scones, short bread, pies, fudge etc. will all sell well at our bake table.  Frozen foods such as meat pies, quiche, shepherd’s pie, sausage rolls, hamburger soup, spaghetti sauce, mac & cheese and of course the all-time favorite, apple pie will also sell very well.  The funds raised at this event will go towards our Operating Fund.  Be sure to tell all your friends to come and join you for a delicious homemade lunch and to bring along their shopping bags so they can fill them up with all the homemade food and trinkets that will be on sale.  Lunch will be served from 11am to 2pm.  Tickets for the soup and sandwich lunch, including coffee, tea and dessert are $12.  We encourage everyone in the congregation to come out for lunch on the 2nd, looking forward to seeing you all there!  Please sign-up during coffee hour to indicate the times you will be available to help with setup, selling, serving, and clean-up.  The food you have prepared for the luncheon and/or the bake sale may be dropped-off at the church between 4 and 7 pm on Friday November 1 which is also the setup time for the event.  Please come and help-out if you are able.

    OUR SCRIPTURE LESSON this week continues from the book of Mark 10: 46-52, “Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus”.  Jesus and his disciples arrive in Jericho, where a blind beggar, Bartimaeus, is sitting by the roadside.  When he hears that Jesus is passing by, he calls out to him, asking for mercy.  Despite being told to be quiet by the crowd, Bartimaeus continues to call out.  Jesus stops, asks for him to be brought over, and inquires what he wants.  Bartimaeus requests that he recovers his sight, and Jesus heals him, saying, “Your faith has made you well”.  Immediately, Bartimaeus regains his sight and follows Jesus on the way. 

    The 19th century preacher, Charles Spurgeon, comments: “That is prayer, when the poor soul in some weighty trouble, fainting and athirst, lifts up its streaming eyes, and wrings its hands, and beats its bosom, and then cries, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me’.” 

    EVERYONE IS INVITED to join us downstairs after the service on Sunday to enjoy coffee, cookies and conversation.  We thank Denise Dupont and Clifford Gregory for hosting coffee hour this week.

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 678: I greet thee, who my sure Redeemer art
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 500: Open my eyes, that I may see
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 34: 1-8, 19-22
    Gloria Patri
    Hebrews 7: 23-28 (en français BFC– English on the screen)
    Mark 10: 46-52
    Sermon: “It was a day just like any other day!”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 203: When Jesus the healer passed through Galilee
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 497: Word of God, across the ages
    Go now in peace

  • October 20th 2024 -“What are they missing?”

    Dear friends,

    OUR SCRIPTURE LESSON this week is from the book of Mark 10: 32-45, “The Request of James and John”.  James and John ask Jesus for positions of honour in his glory, seeking status and power.  Jesus responds by teaching them that true greatness comes not from authority or high positions, but from serving others.  He emphasizes that his own mission is to serve, not to be served, and ultimately to give his life as a ransom for many.  The early church father, John Chrysostom (c. 347 – 407 AD) writes, “You see how Christ’s humbling of himself did not make him have less but produced countless benefits, countless deeds of virtue, and made his glory shine forth with a greater brightness.  God wants for nothing and has need of nothing.  Yet, when he humbled himself, he produced such great good, increased his household, and extended his kingdom.  Why, then, are you afraid that you will become less if you humble yourself?”  

    WE WILL BE HOLDING OUR FALL LUNCHEON, BAKE SALE AND NEARLY NEW TABLE on November 2, 2024.  You are all encouraged to participate in this congregational fundraiser.   Please get your apron on and start baking up a storm for this community event.  Cake, cookies, bread, lemon loaves, scones, short bread, pies, fudge etc. will all sell well at our bake table.  Frozen foods such as meat pies, quiche, shepherd’s pie, sausage rolls, hamburger soup, spaghetti sauce, mac & cheese and of course the all-time favorite, apple pie will also sell very well.  The funds raised at this event will go towards our Operating Fund.  Be sure to tell all your friends to come and join you for a delicious homemade lunch and to bring along their shopping bags so they can fill them up with all the homemade food and trinkets that will be on sale.  Lunch will be served from 11am to 2pm.  Tickets for the soup and sandwich lunch, including coffee, tea and dessert are $12.  We encourage everyone in the congregation to come out for lunch on the 2nd, looking forward to seeing you all there!  Please sign-up during coffee hour to indicate the times you will be available to help with setup, selling, serving, and clean-up.  We’ll give you news about food drop-off times next week.

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 374: Oh for a thousand tongues to sing (vs 3&4 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 375: Fairest Lord Jesus (vs 4 en français)
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 91: 9-16
    Gloria Patri
    Hebrews 5: 1-10 (en français BFC – English on the screen)
    Mark 10: 32-45
    Sermon: “What are they missing?”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 704: Teach me, God, to wonder (vs 3 en français)
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 635: Brother, sister, let me serve you
    Go now in peace

  • October 13th 2024 -“Satisfactions of the mad farmer”

    Dear friends,

    THIS SUNDAY, our Interim Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries will be leading us in worship.

    OCTOBER 16 IS WORLD FOOD DAY and ECS – Ecumenical Community Services (scosaintlambertecs.ca) is kindly asking congregants to help stock its Foodbank on Sundays October 13 & 20.  The demand is higher than ever due to increased food prices.  Therefore, please consider donating 3-5 unexpired food items selected from the list below:

    Canned Food:  Fruit, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Soup.

    Breakfast Food:  Juice, Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jam.

    General Food:  Coffee, Cookies, Cake or Cookie Mixes, Flour, Sugar, Pasta and Sauce, Kraft Dinner, Mustard, Ketchup, Salad Dressings, Side-Kicks, Jello or Pudding, Granola Bars.

    Household Items:  Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Tooth Paste, Soap Bars, Dishwashing or Laundry Soap.

    Your contributions will be received with gratitude.  On behalf of all ECS volunteers, best wishes and Thanksgiving blessings.  

    CONGREGATIOINAL WORKDAY – As we move into the autumn season there is a lot of work that needs to be done around the church to get prepared for winter.  Please join with the Board of Managers next Saturday, October 19 at 10 am.  We will meet in the lower hall of the CEC for a cup of coffee as we discuss the work plans for the day.  Please bring a bag lunch and plan to stay until mid afternoon.  Please also bring along any tools you have that might be helpful for cutting back the bushes and cutting down the flowers in the garden.  There is scraping and painting and staining to do.  Windows and window sills to be cleaned, air conditioners to be removed.  Lots of opportunity for everyone to exhibit their handyman skills.       

    OUR THANKSGIVING OFFERING this year (the yellow envelope in your envelope box marked October 13) has been designated to the Pavilion Marguerite de Champlain Shelter (pavillonmarguerite.com), which has been providing refuge, on the South Shore of Montreal since 1983, for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence.  

    Our scripture lesson this week is from the book of Deuteronomy.  This specific text is often read and explored on Thanksgiving Sunday, and we will explore together what it means to be a people who have their life from the land that God has created and given to us.  You may find the title of this week’s sermon a little odd—Satisfactions of the Mad Farmer—but it comes from the title of a wonderful poem by the equally wonderful poet and writer, Wendell Berry.  He was for many years a Professor of Literature, but then returned to his historic family homestead as a farmer.

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 803 “Come, ye thankful people, come”
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Choir Anthem – “We gather together”
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 807 “We plough the fields and scatter” (1, Eng, 2,3 French)
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 65
    Gloria Patri
    2 Corinthians 9: 6-15
    Deuteronomy 8: 7-18
    Sermon: “Satisfactions of the mad farmer”
    Confession of Faith: Living Faith 8.3.1 – 8.3.3
    Hymn 39: “God of mercy, God of Grace”
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 457: “Now thank we all our God.”
    Go now in peace

  • October 6th 2024 -“Is there anything new?”

    Dear friends, 

    THIS SUNDAY, our Interim Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries will be leading us in worship and we will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper on this World Communion Sunday. 

    Living Faith, a statement of faith (a Confession) of The Presbyterian Church in Canada (the green booklet in our church pews) says: 

    In breaking bread and drinking wine Jesus told us to remember Him.  In this action called Holy Communion, Lord’s Supper, or Eucharist, Christ offers Himself to us and we present ourselves to Him in worship and adoration.  In Holy Communion Christ places his table in this world to feed and bless his people.  The Holy Spirit so unites us in Christ that in receiving the bread and wine in faith we share in his body and blood.  (7.7.1 – 7.7.2) Those who belong to Christ come gladly to his table!

    Let us, as the Apostle Paul instructs the church in 1 Corinthians 11: 17-33, prepare and examine ourselves before we partake in this blessed sacrament that the Lord has appointed for us. 

    For those joining us through livestream on YouTube, a reminder to provide your own communion elements for this Sunday’s service.  For those participating in person, the communion wafers are gluten free and the inner ring of glasses on the communion trays contain white grape juice—the outer ring is red wine.

    OCTOBER 16 IS WORLD FOOD DAY and ECS – Ecumenical Community Services  scosaintlambertecs.cais kindly asking congregants to help stock its Foodbank on Sundays October 13 & 20.  The demand is higher than ever due to increased food prices.  Therefore, please consider donating 3-5 unexpired food items selected from the list below:                                                         

    Canned Food:  Fruit, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Soup.

    Breakfast Food:  Juice, Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jam.

    General Food: Coffee, Cookies, Cake or Cookie Mixes, Flour, Sugar, Pasta and Sauce, Kraft Dinner, Mustard, Ketchup, Salad Dressings, Side-Kicks, Jello or Pudding, Granola Bars.

    Household Items: Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Tooth Paste, Soap Bars, Dishwashing or Laundry Soap.

    Your contributions will be received with gratitude.  On behalf of all ECS volunteers, best wishes and Thanksgiving blessings.                               

    OUR SCRIPTURE LESSON this week is from Ecclesiastes—this is a book that is part of the “wisdom literature” of the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible.  It offers an often very honest look at the realities and challenges of our lives.  In the opening verses of the book, which we will look at, the writer points out how meaningless life can be; the rivers just keep on running into the sea and nothing ever changes.  The question is whether there is anything meaningful.  There are hints of a good and great answer to the question in the book itself, and to be found through our faith in Christ.

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn 313 “Oh worship the King”
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    Choir Anthem – “The Prayer”
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 202 “We lay our broken world”
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 26
    Gloria Patri
    1 Corinthians 15: 12-22
    Ecclesiastes 1: 1-11
    Sermon: “Is there anything new?”
    Invitation to the Offering
    Dedication of the Offering
    Invitation to the Table
    Hymn 648: “I’m gonna live so God can use me”
    Lord’s Supper with Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
    Hymn 299: “Holy, holy, holy” (vs 2&4 en français)
    Go now in peace

  • September 29th 2024 – “Tempted to Sin?”

    Dear friends,

    A COMMUNION SERVICE AND OUR ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held next week on Sunday, October 6.  After the Communion service, we will gather in the lower hall of the CEC for the annual meeting, then enjoy sandwiches, coffee and tea, together, provided by the Session.  We encourage folks to bring along their favorite dessert to share with everyone.  Copies of the Annual Report are available at the back of the sanctuary.  Please review the Annual Report beforehand, and don’t forget to bring your copy to the meeting on October 6!

    OUR GOSPEL READING continues in Mark 9: 38-50, “Anyone Not Against Us Is for Us”, and “Temptations to Sin.”  In the first portion of our reading, Jesus teaches important lessons on discipleship and humility.  The passage begins with John reporting to Jesus about someone casting out demons in his name, but Jesus tells them not to stop him, emphasizing that anyone not against them is for them.  One commentator notes, “This phrase (“he was not following us”) does not deny that the man was a follower of Jesus; he was casting out demons in Jesus’ name.  Probably what is meant is that he is not an adherent of the Twelve.  Without taking away the prerogatives of the Twelve, but sensing their pride and exclusivism, Jesus refuses to denounce the one they are talking about.  Instead, he teaches that the support and fellowship of all who support his cause should be gratefully acknowledged.” 

    Order of Service

    Call to Worship
    Hymn: “In Christ Alone” (vs 2&3 en français)
    Prayer of Adoration
    Prayer of Confession
    Declaration of Grace
    The Lord’s Prayer
    Children’s Time
    Hymn 750: “How deep the silence of the soul” (Sung to 671)
    Responsive Reading: Psalm 124
    Gloria Patri
    James 5: 13-20 (en français BFC– English on the screen)
    Mark 9: 38-50
    Sermon: “Tempted to sin?”
    Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
    Hymn 399: “Spirit, spirit of gentleness” (vs 2&3 en français)
    Offering and Offertory
    Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
    Hymn 727: “Let there be light”
    Go now in peace