Tag: Sunday Worship Service
April 7th 2024 -“When Fear seems greater than our faith”
Dear friends, THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship. HE IS RISEN INDEED! What a wonderful worship service we had last week, celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour. We extend our gratitude to our director of music, Henry Cobb Howes, special trumpeter Daniel Howells, and our choir for their…
March 24th 2024 – “What is good for us is hidden”
Dear friends, THERE WILL BE PALM BRANCHES available to everyone upon entering the sanctuary. Please be sure to receive yours from one of the ushers. Everyone is invited to process around the sanctuary, waving their palms, at the time of The Procession, right after the reading from Mark’s gospel. OUR GOSPEL READING is taken from Mark…
March 17th 2024 – “Is God a ‘closet’ Universalist?”
Dear friends, THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship. OUR GOSPEL READING is taken from John 12: 20-33. In this account, a group of Greeks seek Jesus, prompting Him to speak about his upcoming death and glorification. Jesus metaphorically likens himself to a grain of wheat dying to produce abundant fruit,…