Tag: Advent
December 22nd 2024 -“What God doesn’t know”
Dear friends, THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship. Sunday marks the fourth week of Advent, where we’ll light the Candle of Love, please think about the kind of love Jesus brings us for today and for the future. OUR SCRIPTURE READING continues in the gospel of Luke 1: 39-45, “Mary…
December 15th 2024 -“Why would God want to sing over me?”
Dear friends, THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship. Sunday marks the third week of Advent, where we’ll light the Candle of Joy, also known as the Shepherd Candle, that reflects the joy that comes through Jesus’ incarnation and his redeeming grace. OUR SCRIPTURE READING is taken from the gospel according…
December 8th 2024 -“Have you ever been the message?”
Dear friends, THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship. Sunday marks the second week of Advent, a season when Christians around the world wait and prepare to celebrate the birth and incarnation of Jesus, the promised Messiah. Advent, however, is not just a time to reflect and look back…
December 1st 2024 -“Ain’t gonna study war”
Dear friends, THIS SUNDAY, which is the First Sunday in Advent, our Interim Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries will once again be leading us in worship. We will also share together in the Lord’s Supper. OUR SCRIPTURE LESSON this week is from the book of Isaiah. With some help from a very old…