October 6th 2024 -“Is there anything new?”

Dear friends, 

THIS SUNDAY, our Interim Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries will be leading us in worship and we will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper on this World Communion Sunday. 

Living Faith, a statement of faith (a Confession) of The Presbyterian Church in Canada (the green booklet in our church pews) says: 

In breaking bread and drinking wine Jesus told us to remember Him.  In this action called Holy Communion, Lord’s Supper, or Eucharist, Christ offers Himself to us and we present ourselves to Him in worship and adoration.  In Holy Communion Christ places his table in this world to feed and bless his people.  The Holy Spirit so unites us in Christ that in receiving the bread and wine in faith we share in his body and blood.  (7.7.1 – 7.7.2) Those who belong to Christ come gladly to his table!

Let us, as the Apostle Paul instructs the church in 1 Corinthians 11: 17-33, prepare and examine ourselves before we partake in this blessed sacrament that the Lord has appointed for us. 

For those joining us through livestream on YouTube, a reminder to provide your own communion elements for this Sunday’s service.  For those participating in person, the communion wafers are gluten free and the inner ring of glasses on the communion trays contain white grape juice—the outer ring is red wine.

OCTOBER 16 IS WORLD FOOD DAY and ECS – Ecumenical Community Services  scosaintlambertecs.cais kindly asking congregants to help stock its Foodbank on Sundays October 13 & 20.  The demand is higher than ever due to increased food prices.  Therefore, please consider donating 3-5 unexpired food items selected from the list below:                                                         

Canned Food:  Fruit, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Soup.

Breakfast Food:  Juice, Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jam.

General Food: Coffee, Cookies, Cake or Cookie Mixes, Flour, Sugar, Pasta and Sauce, Kraft Dinner, Mustard, Ketchup, Salad Dressings, Side-Kicks, Jello or Pudding, Granola Bars.

Household Items: Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Tooth Paste, Soap Bars, Dishwashing or Laundry Soap.

Your contributions will be received with gratitude.  On behalf of all ECS volunteers, best wishes and Thanksgiving blessings.                               

OUR SCRIPTURE LESSON this week is from Ecclesiastes—this is a book that is part of the “wisdom literature” of the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible.  It offers an often very honest look at the realities and challenges of our lives.  In the opening verses of the book, which we will look at, the writer points out how meaningless life can be; the rivers just keep on running into the sea and nothing ever changes.  The question is whether there is anything meaningful.  There are hints of a good and great answer to the question in the book itself, and to be found through our faith in Christ.

Order of Service

Call to Worship
Hymn 313 “Oh worship the King”
Prayer of Adoration
Prayer of Confession
Declaration of Grace
Choir Anthem – “The Prayer”
Children’s Time
Hymn 202 “We lay our broken world”
Responsive Reading: Psalm 26
Gloria Patri
1 Corinthians 15: 12-22
Ecclesiastes 1: 1-11
Sermon: “Is there anything new?”
Invitation to the Offering
Dedication of the Offering
Invitation to the Table
Hymn 648: “I’m gonna live so God can use me”
Lord’s Supper with Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
Hymn 299: “Holy, holy, holy” (vs 2&4 en français)
Go now in peace