June 30th 2024 – ” A story within a story”

Dear friends, 

THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.

SUMMER SERVICES IN AUGUST at St. Andrew’s will continue, led by Rev. Linda Faith Chalk.  The theme for August is simplicity.  What does a simple service look like?  It looks a lot like our pre-COVID services!  There won’t be any livestreaming on YouTube or a projector screen.  Instead, we’ll sing from the hymnbooks, just like we used to.  Rev. Linda Faith will guide us throughout the service in worship and prayer.  Sunday School will also be taking a break, and coffee hour will be replaced with refreshing lemonade – perfect for those hot summer days.  Let’s embrace simplicity, relax and enjoy the summer season!

PLEASE NOTE there is ongoing construction on Green Street keeping Green from Oak to Notre Dame closed, Birch is now a two-way street accessible from Desaulniers. 

OUR NEW TESTAMENT LESSON continues in Mark 5: 21-43, “Jesus Heals a Woman and Jairus’ Daughter”.  In our Scripture reading this week, Jesus performs two miracles.  One involves raising a little girl from the dead.  Jairus, a synagogue leader, seeks Jesus’ help for his dying daughter, and despite hearing that she has passed away, Jesus urges Jairus to have faith.  Upon arriving at Jairus’s home, Jesus reassures the mourners that the girl is asleep, not dead.  Taking her hand, he says, ‘Little girl, get up!’  Instantly, she rises and walks, leaving everyone amazed.  Such is the power of God!  The sermon title this week is, “A story within a story”. 

Order of Service

Call to Worship
Hymn 815: “New every morning is the love”
Prayer of Adoration
Prayer of Confession
Declaration of Grace
The Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Time
Hymn 324: “Great is thy faithfulness” (vs 2 en français)
Responsive Reading: Psalm 130
Gloria Patri
Lamentations 3: 22-23 (en français – English on the screen)
2 Corinthians 8: 7-15
Mark 5: 21-43
Sermon: “A story within a story”
Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
Hymn 579: “Oh I know the Lord’s laid a hand on me”
Offering and Offertory
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Hymn 474: “The love of God comes close”
Go now in peace