Dear friends,
THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.
SUNDAY MARKS THE END OF THE SEASON OF EPIPHANY and the Feast of the Transfiguration. In her commentary on this passage Meg Jenista writes: “It’s instructive that the season of Epiphany, which begins with a bright star in the East, leading the Magi to worship the Christ-child concludes with Transfiguration Sunday, in which glory and shining, brilliance and light are, again, prominent themes.” In our Old Testament lessons Moses comes down from the mountain. Having been in the presence of God, Moses’ face reflects God’s glory and those who see him are frightened. He veils his face so that others are comfortable in his presence. When we have been in the presence of God and learn to continue in his presence, we too are changed. We become reflectors of his glory, in our words, our conduct, our thoughts, and our thoughts continually turn to him. St. Augustine said: “To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement”. For Moses and Peter, James and John this was being worked out in their lives. Jesus brought them with him to the Mount of Transfiguration. He came to pray and as Jesus prayed, he was changed: his glory revealed to them… a very real promise that when we, as followers of our Lord and Saviour pray, irrespective of times that our efforts are weak and perhaps weary and maybe questioning as we pray, as we stay in his presence, we are changed.
THE FOODBANK urgently requires bags for deliveries. If you have any spare shopping bags, plastic or reusable, would you consider donating them to the Foodbank? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless. Linda Smith – for the ECS Foodbank.
EVERYONE IS INVITED to join us downstairs after the service this Sunday to enjoy coffee, cookies and conversation. We thank Betty and Linda for hosting coffee hour this week.
Order of Service
Call to Worship
Hymn 461: “Be Thou my vision”
Prayer of Adoration
Prayer of Confession
Declaration of Grace
The Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Time
Hymn 638: “Take time to be holy”
Responsive Reading: Psalm 99
Gloria Patri
Exodus 34:29-35
Luke 9:28-36
Sermon: “Prayer changes us”
Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
Hymn for the Transfiguration of our Lord
Offering and Offertory
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Hymn 490: “God of grace and God of glory”
Go now in peace