February 2nd 2025 “Looking forward Moving Forward”

Dear friends,

THIS SUNDAY the Rev. Linda Faith Chalk will be leading us in worship.  

OUR SCRIPTURE READING is taken from Luke 4: 21-30, “Jesus Rejected at Nazareth”.  Jesus speaks in the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth, declaring that he fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy about the Messiah.  At first, the crowd is amazed, but when he reminds them that God’s blessings extended beyond Israel, citing Elijah and Elisha helping Gentiles (non-Israelites) they become furious.  Their anger turns to violence, and they attempt to throw him off a cliff, but he passes through the crowd and leaves unharmed.

to everyone who joined us in celebrating St. Andrew’s 100th anniversary!  It was a joyful gathering of faith and fellowship.  We give thanks for the very inspirational sermon preached by our interim moderator The Rev. Dr. Roland de Vries and the day’s celebration was made even more special by our past minister, now retired, The Rev. Dr. Barry Mack’s reflections and history of St. Andrew’s and our community of faith.  A heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who set up, decorated, kept everything running smoothly and cleaned up – this celebration wouldn’t have been possible without your help and dedication.  We are truly grateful for the many blessings we share.

Order of Service

Call to Worship
Hymn 315: “A mighty fortress is our God” (vs 2&4 en français)
Prayer of Adoration
Prayer of Confession
Declaration of Grace
The Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Time
Hymn 386: “Come down, O Love divine”
Responsive Reading: Psalm 71:1-6
Gloria Patri
Jeremiah 1:4-10
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
Sermon: “Looking forward…moving forward”
Confession of Faith – The Apostles’ Creed
Hymn 757: “Lord speak to me that I may speak”
Offering and Offertory
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Hymn 695: “Although I speak with angel’s tongue”
Go now in peace